Easter Tea RingThis is a great treat to make at Easter, I have made it many times and it is always very popular. I always feel a sense of achievement when I see it made.
Dough2 tspn Dried Yeast
1 tspn Sugar
150mls Tepid milk
375g Plain flour
pinch salt
60g Marg
60g Sugar
1 egg
FillingMake this while dough is rising
2 large green apples
30g butter
60g sugar
2tbsp water
125g dried fruit
60g almond slivers
1/2 tsp cinnamon
IcingIcing sugar
1tspn butter
warm water
chopped nuts or coconut
1/.Blend dry yeast with sugar, and a little milk, set aside until softened, stir with hand whisk and then add the rest of the milk.
2/.Put in a warm place until covered with bubbles, meanwhile sift flour and salt, rub in margarine and add sugar add egg,then add yeast liquid, and mix till combined and a little extra milk if required or extra flour if sticky
3/.Knead thoroughly (to rise it I spray a stainless steel bowl with cooking spray)and put it in and cover with a teatowel or gladwrap(I spray gladwrap with cooking spray so the mix does not stick to it.and allow to prove till it is double in size.
4/.Punch down, and knead until smooth, roll out on a floured board until it is a neat oblong shape
5/.Along the centre put a strip of the cold filling, made by cooking sliced apples with butter, sugar, water until soft, drain excess liquid off, then adding fruit, cinnamon and almonds.
6/. Brush the edges of dough with water, fold over to make a long strip (sausage) the join ends to make a circle. Seal down firmly.
7/. Lift onto a warmed, greased oven tray, snip at intervals to show filling.
8/. Cover and allow so prove until it is double in size then bake at 200C for 30 mins until golden brown.
9/. When cool spread icing on and sprinkle with nuts or coconut.
When I make this I start early as it takes a while to do 2 risings.
I use a stainless steel bowl when rising the dough as it absorbs the heat, I have also been known to put it in the car I parked in the sun this helps the rising process.
Have fun and feel very proud of yourself when you have mastered this.